We’ve talked in past posts about the importance of choosing a logo design that’s going to fit in with your company. You need to make sure that your logo expresses the exact personality of your business, and that it’s simple. Your logo should be easily recognizable by your current and prospective clients.
But why should you hire a graphic designer? Why can’t you just go it alone and create a logo on your own? Well, for a lot of reasons. Let’s take a look at what graphic designers do, and why you should hire us for your next project.
What is a Graphic Designer?
First, let’s clear things up, graphic designers aren’t just logo creators. Designers cover a lot of ground, they are creative marketing experts. Look around you for a moment. Graphics are all around us, on social media, do you see that book cover over there on your side table? How about that cereal box on your kitchen counter?
These are examples of the work that graphic designers do. Designers are experts in advertising, and know a great deal about convincing shoppers to “judge a book by its cover.” They are also pros with a computer, and can realize just about any vision you have for your product.
Why Hire a Graphic Designer?
Simply put, graphic designers are the Jack and Jill’s of all trades. They know a bit about marketing, a lot about computers and design apps, they can draw, they are educated about what’s current in their industry, market psychology, and understand how to bring each of those aspects together. When you meet with your graphic designer at First Floor Media + Design, it’s important that you tell us about your business and the clientele you’d like to reach.
Once your graphic designer has this information, he’ll be able to interpret it into a concise visual representation of your company’s message. Yes, just like that. A talented graphic designer will seem to read your mind, and your final design will tell your customers everything they need to know about your business.
Did that answer your question? Are you still asking yourself, “Why can’t I just do this on my own?” There are a few reasons, and it’s not just because graphic designers are expensive. First of all, your logo or designs should shout to customers, “this product rocks!” Don’t fall into the trap where your product shouts, “this product’s owner can’t draw!” or worst “they hired a graphic designer that can’t draw!”.
But that’s just a small part of it. Chances are, our graphic designer has worked with or in close proximity to your competition in the past. We’ll draw upon our experience, knowledge and creative skills to ensure your message is visually unique. First Floor Media+Design has a complete understanding of color theory, typography, shapes and images to create a design which will captivate your clients.
How to Work with a Graphic Designer
Working with a graphic designer is actually quite simple. You’re going to have an initial meeting to answer questions regarding your design project(s). Meeting in person is recommenced, however, we have tools on hand to make a web or video conference go just as smoothly or even a simple phone call.
During your meeting, you’ll discuss your business goals. This applies not only to logo creation, but to other design as well. Even the simplest matchbook cover will need to be memorable. Tell your graphic designer what you need, and he’ll ask you questions, too. You’ll also discuss a project budget. You and your designer can create a budget to satisfy both of you.
The rest is easy, but we’d like to offer one suggestion. Past the initial meeting, feel free to reach out to your graphic designer if you think of something you’d forgotten to mention. But please do not hesitate to give your graphic designer design ideas or examples to help focus his design direction. Font’s you like, favorite colours, sample web links, whatever you think might help us focus on your creative. You’re paying a professional for a service in which he is highly skilled and he will make your designs unique to your business needs.
A professional design should present 3 concepts and up to 3 revisions to solidify your designs. If your designer delivers a product to you which makes you unhappy, by all means let him know. Even the most talented professional doesn’t always get it right on the first shot. But 9 times out of 10, if you and your designer communicated well in the beginning stages, you’ll be in the ballpark.
So why do you need a graphic designer? Because people who buy things often do so on first impressions. To put it bluntly, if your package design is visual unappealing, fewer people will pick it up. If your logo is sloppy, no one will trust your brand. Avoid the disappointment of having a design which does more damage than good, so enlist First Floor Media+Design to create your graphics today so you can sell with confidence.