What is Whiteboard Animation?
Simply put, whiteboard animation is a recorded sequence of drawings on a whiteboard. Ads using whiteboard may or may not display the actual artist. In the original UPS ad campaign, however, this was the case. An artist stood before a whiteboard as he outlined the shipping services provided by UPS.
Sound simple? It was. But the ads became some of the most viral (and copied) ads in both style and content. The style evolved, and soon ad agencies around the globe were using the technique. The animations were varied – from simple sketches to stop animation stories, whiteboard animation became a huge trend in advertising.
Why is Whiteboard Animation So Appealing?
The simplicity of whiteboard animation is its most appealing trait. When you think about it, there’s something refreshing about a straightforward message and a clean, bright background. But that aside, there’s a science behind whiteboard animation, too.
First, humans are drawn to stories. Throughout history, we’ve been entranced by storytellers of all kinds, from cave drawings and hieroglyphics to modern day storytelling artists. We feel compelled to listen, and can’t pull ourselves away for fear of missing something important.
Secondly, how many times have you been presented with an advertisement while playing a mobile game or watching a streaming video? Given the option to “skip ad,” what do you choose to do? Most consumers will skip the ad in favor of continuing onto their desired activity. There are a few exceptions to this – particularly arresting ads may oblige us to watch through. Whiteboard animation is one such ad style. We know that there’s a story being told, and our human nature demands that we listen.
Thirdly, science has shown that we are more capable of remembering simple messages than those which are more complex. We’re also more apt to remember a message relayed to us through a story than simple a recitation of fact. Your whiteboard animation project will cause consumers to remember you.
How Can Whiteboard Animation Help Your Business?
Now that you know the basics of whiteboard animation, you may be wondering how a project like this one may help your business. First, of course, your project will cause consumers to recall your message easily.
But whiteboard animation has other benefits to your business, as well. The first is quite elementary – whiteboard animation is inexpensive. Your ad will usually cost considerably less than would a complicated 3D animation, for example.
It’s also quick. From inception to completion, your ad campaign’s creation should take just a few weeks, as opposed to the longer time-frames required by more complicated campaigns.
Finally, whiteboard animation is very well liked. The content has historically gone very viral, very quickly. As your advertisement is shared, more potential customers will be exposed to your message. The best part is, you didn’t have to spend a dime.
Whiteboard animation may be simple, but it’s effective. Consider whiteboard animation for your next advertising campaign, and watch as your ad goes viral!